relies strongly on the presence of strong mass-independent fractionation
(MIF) of the sulfur isotopes in sulfide- and sulfate-bearing minerals older
than 2.4 billion years1,2,3,4. Actually, there is “a broad overlap between
MIF signals observed within Archaean sedimentary sequences and
periods of enhanced asteroid impacts represented by impact ejecta/fallout
units” (Fig. 1)5. Impact processes (vaporization and condensation) are
sufficient to explain the MIF signals following the principle: the earlier
the condensed material, the more enriched in lighter isotopes6. The nature
of the MIF of the sulfur isotopes is that the fractionation of isotope is still
mass dependent during impacts, which means the measured nonzero
⊿33S values of Archean sulfide- and sulfate-bearing minerals indicate
that their different condensation sequences. Thus, it is clear that the
signals are the markers of impact rather than O2 poor atmosphere.
Furthermore, the lack of MIF-S in several Archaean units before 2.4
billion years also supports this idea7,8.
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